+91 7672005050
Consumer Product
Food Supplements
Infant Food
Novel Food Products
Probiotics and Prebiotics
Supplements and Nutraceuticals
Consumer Products
Butter, Ghee and Fats
Canned Products
Concentrates, Syrups and Sauces
Dahi, Yoghurt, Lassi, Cheese
Fats, Oils and Emulsions
Fruits and Vegetables Products
Lozenges and Chewing Gums
Milk & Cream
Milk and Milk Products
Pickles, Curries and Chutneys
Processed fruits, cocktails, soups and juices
Sugar Boiled Confectionery
Sweets and Confectionery
Vegetable Oils
Spices, Condiments and Additives
Condiments and Additives
Alcoholic Beverages
Caffeinated Beverages
Carbonated and Non-Carbonated
Tea, Coffee and Chicory
Proprietary Foods
Food Additives and Processing aids
Ayurveda Aahara
FSSAI compliance
FSSAI License and Registration
The Food Safety And Standards (Amendment) Bill 2020: A milestone In The History Of Indian Food Safety.
To revamp the functioning and jurisdiction of FSSAI, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on September 23, 2020, has framed a Food Safety and Standards (Amendment) Bill, 2020. The bill introduces 70 amendments in the present FSSAI act, 2006. It intends to revamp the functioning and jurisdiction of the FSSAI.
Compliance Services
Claim Compliance
Label Compliance
Product Compliance
Claim Approval
Form C
Legal Metrology
Non Specified Product / Ingredient Approval
About Us
Alcoholic Beverages
Ayurveda Aahara
Butter, Ghee and Fats
Caffeinated Beverages
Canned Products
Carbonated and Non-Carbonated
Concentrates, Syrups and Sauces
Condiments and Additives
Consumer Products
Dahi, Yoghurt, Lassi, Cheese
Fats, Oils and Emulsions
Food Additives and Processing aids
Food Supplements
Fruits and Vegetables Products
FSSAI compliance
FSSAI License and Registration
Infant Food
Lozenges and Chewing Gums
Margarine, Fat Spreads and Bakery Shortenings
Milk & Cream
Milk and Milk Products
Novel Food Products
Pickles, Curries and Chutneys
Probiotics and Prebiotics
Processed fruits, cocktails, soups and juices
Proprietary Foods
Spices, Condiments and Additives
Sugar Boiled Confectionery
Supplements and Nutraceuticals
Sweets and Confectionery
Tea, Coffee and Chicory
Vegetable Oils
Compliance Services Categories
Claim Compliance
Label Compliance
Product Compliance
Licenses & Approvals Categories
Claim Approval
Form C
Legal Metrology
Non Specified Product / Ingredient Approval