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10 Specific Labeling Requirements for Alcoholic Beverages
The Alcoholic Beverage regulations released by FSSAI in April 2018, are required to be complied with before April 1st, 2019. With the deadline being close, industries are now finding solutions to make sure that they are in full compliance. To support our partners in the alcoholic beverage industry, we have listed below the 10 key labeling requirements that have been specified for the alcoholic beverages in India.
- The labels of the alcoholic beverages shall contain the declaration of alcohol content as percent alcohol by volume (.abv) or as proof.
- The label may include a statement with the approximate number of standard drinks in the package. A standard drink as per the regulations is the amount of beverage that has in it 12.7 ml of alcohol by volume as measured at 20o
- Solely for the alcoholic beverages originating from a geographical location, geographical indicators can be stated on the label.
- Alcoholic beverages are prohibited from state nutritional information or a health claim on the label.
- The use of words such as ‘non-intoxicating’ or any other similar words is not permitted on the labels of alcoholic beverages with more than 0.5 percent alcohol by volume.
- The labels for wine shall state geographical indication, variety of the grapes used, and the name of residues of preservatives or additives present in the final product.
- Other than wine all the alcoholic beverages that contain less than 10 percent alcohol shall declare the ‘Expiry date’ or ‘Use by’ date in the format of date, month and year on the label. The manufacturer may use the “Best before” expression as an additional information.
- The Wines with more than 10 mg of Sulphur Dioxide per liter must declare “Contains Sulphur Dioxide” or “Contains Sulfite”.
- If the residues of a processing aid from animal origin such as egg white is present in the product, it shall be declared on the label with a non-vegetarian logo.
- The following statutory warning must be declared on every package of alcoholic beverage, in a separate box and height of letters not less than 3 mm:
Apart from the above specific regulations, alcoholic beverages shall follow the general packaging and labeling regulations. Also, imported alcoholic beverages shall comply with the Import regulations of India. It is being expected that the major compliance will be complete ahead of the of FSSAI enforcement activities to be initiated in April 2019. The regulatory consultants and experts are providing support to the industry partners in ensuring 100% compliance. The experts recommend planning and compliance check with FSSAI Regulations, before carrying out any activities such as manufacturing, marketing, distribution or import of alcoholic beverages in India.
For more information on regulatory compliance for the alcoholic beverages industry, write to us at –
Reference –
- Food Safety and Standards (Alcoholic Beverages) Regulations, 2018 –
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